You Don't Need To Breakup With Your Makeup

We all know that wearing makeup isn’t the best thing for your skin.

Our skin needs to be able to breathe, and wearing makeup (as we all know) clogs pores and invites bacteria, leading to increased breakouts. Throughout the day, makeup and pollutants in your pores also break down collagen and elastin, which can speed up the ageing process by leading to fine lines and wrinkles.

With this being said, wearing makeup isn’t all doom and gloom. We have a few tips for you on how to wear makeup and keep your skin happy!

1. Take your makeup off before bed

This one shouldn’t come as a shock. Sleeping in makeup not only increases your chances of acne, but it also increases exposure to free radicals in the environment that can cause so much damage to your skin and its natural processes. 

Your skin also repairs itself the most while you’re sleeping, so by not taking your makeup off properly, it interferes with this process.

Make sure you take your makeup off properly before you go to sleep each night. Residue from makeup can also be harmful, so your skin will thank you for double cleansing.

2. Take makeup-free days - especially when your skin is sensitive

Putting makeup on is ingrained into our everyday routines for a lot of us, but it is so important to take breaks. Let your skin breathe and enjoy some extra time in the morning not fussing about your contour. 

This is especially important when you have existing breakouts. It’s so tempting to pack concealer on to an annoying red pimple, but this actually makes it harder for your breakout to heal (and can irritate it even more).

3. Don’t wear makeup when you exercise 

Yes, it may be a hassle to take your makeup off before you hit the gym, but your skin will definitely thank you for it.

When you exercise, your makeup mixes with perspiration and oils which blocks your pores from being able to release sweat by clogging your pores. It is so important for you pores and sweat glands to be able to open when working out so that your skin can breathe and cool down your body - otherwise, this increases your chances of breakouts and irritation!

4. Make sure your makeup is right for your skin

So many different products are made up of so many different ingredients - there is no way that every product is right for every skin type. 

It’s worth doing your research before picking your foundation to make sure it’s right for your skin (as right as it can be). 

Some products dry your skin out, and others make it more oily, so it’s good to find out what’s best for you beforehand. Mineral-based products are often recommended because they’re considerably less harsh on the skin.

5. Wash your brushes

Say it with me now - Wash. Your. brushes. 

Yes, it’s a hassle. Yes, it’s so easy to forget and go months using the same dirty brushes every day. 

But just think about all the bacteria, dead skin cells, and old makeup that accumulates and sits on your brushes. Not to mention dust and bacteria from other sources.

Now think about putting that on your face. Over and over. 

Yeah, it’s gross. Washing your brushes is so important and can reduce the bacteria on your skin that causes breakouts. It’s a small price to pay for happy skin, so maybe set a reminder for every 2-4 weeks. 

If you have any further questions about the effects of makeup, or skin health in general, feel free to contact us or book in an online consultation with our registered nurses!


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Revere Health

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