You Ask, We Answer: My Pigmentation Faded and Then Seemed to Return - Help!

In this series, we will present a genuine question we received from a customer, along with the answer we provided in the hopes that this can help someone else on their skincare journey.

Q. I have been using your serum and moisturiser. I have almost finished both bottles. Are these products effective with age pigmentation? At first the spots seem too lighten but now my spots seem to be darkening again. Also are other products compatible while using yours.

A. Thank you for your recent online enquiry about the products. That’s great that you felt initially your pigmentation was lightening. It is very important when managing pigmentation to continue with your regular pigment inhibitors. The Vitamin A and Vitamin B are both the strongest elements to achieve this. Utilising a zinc based moisturiser, will help due to its reflective capacity.

Taking before photos is great, bright room against a white background and then photos at 6,12, weeks and 6 months. This will give a great indication about how your skin routine is going. As you see yourself everyday sometimes it can be difficult to see the improvement, however it will be very visible on before and after photos. 

The consideration with pigment is that sometimes it can develop even overnight. You will notice changes during weather changes as well. Summer is hot and pigment is predominately more visible during sun and heat exposure. During the cooler moments you will also notice it lightens.

Stopping the cause of pigment is essential, e.g. hormones, heat and sun etc. The key for long term maintenance, as some types of pigment can only be faded, is a consistent cosmeceutical skin care routine with priority ingredients such as Vitamins A and B.

Assessment is made at 6-12 weeks post regular cosmeceutical use to decide about whether you would look into skin treatments, to specifically target this concern. These treatments will be guided, on the type of pigment, skin type and expected results achievable. 

Utilising active cosmeceuticals is the long term maintenance and prevention meaning that as you use them, the pigment would actually be lighter long term then if you didn't use them at all.

Try to think of any activities or changes in the body that have occurred when you thought it was getting darker, this could be a potential cause. If there are any triggers try to avoid if possible or implement strategies that may help to reduce exposure. Despite fluctuations it's important to continue your regular use of cosmeceutical strength vitamin A and B. This promotes long term maintenance and helps to prevent relapse. 

We recommend trying not to mix too many different brands, as remember the skin needs support and simplicity. Just make sure that you aren't doubling up on Vitamin A, as you will get hypersensitivity and irritation. The Vitamin A in the REM Serum is 0.5%, so this is a strong percentage.

Gentle oils are great to help moisturise the skin, in particular the almond, coconut, and rosehip oil and you can use these in combination with all other ingredients as your moisturiser. 

The serum will even out your overall skin complexion. This can make the spots become noticeable as the skin surrounding them becomes brighter and lighter. They will lighten over time. Assessment of the spots for potential in clinic treatments may be something you consider. 

The serum should last approximately 4-6 months, so just make sure you are applying a pea size only. If you apply to your neck and decolletage as well, you may go through sooner.


Thank you to our lovely client for allowing us to share her Before (Left) and After (Right) photos. These are three weeks use of the REM serum. No skin treatments have been performed to date 31/7/2019. Do not reproduce or share images


Have a question about our products or a skin concern you’d like us to address? Get in touch, we’re here to help!

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